




I'd like to find out why the shipping cost has increased so much lately (while gas prices are falling).



With the aging of the North Sea oil fields, the oil supplies in global market are almost controlled by the "politically unstable nations". The United States labeled Islamic countries and the former Soviet Union countries as "unstable".Though it is still arguable whether above mentioned doing of the USA is resonable or not, the changes of political situation and revision of any possible regulations in those countries will certainly affect the oil price. Moreover, Iran and Iraq remain the powder-keg, quite readily setting off a war. Considering the situation in Nigeria, Venezuela and Sudan,each has its own paticular liability to "explosion."

Financial factors are the main driving force for the surgce of oil price. Five years before, the oil futures market is just an edge market for the hedging between oil manufacturer and dealers, and the daily trade amount was no more than 9 billion U.S. dollars,while today it became a major financial market trading140 billion u.s dollars a day. Five years before, the scale of oil fund is no more than 8 billion U.S. dollars, while today it reached more than 500 billion U.S. dollars. 10 years before, pension fund was invested mainly in the form of bonds, and its allocation for the stock market is quite limited. Bacially, every family own commodities nowadays. As for hedge funds, oil is the only one tpye of property continuing to make money this year, wherein the profits are easily perceived. Yet 70 percent of the futures contract, was owned by the giant financial capitalist that is not at all interested in the oil entity.

However,the s are more and more likely to interfere with this. Soaring oil prices, is no longer just the issue of financial market profiteering, but also more importantly a concern of people's livelihood,a political and social problem that the politicians of the whole world are focusing on. Governmenta can release oil reserves in joint effort all at a sudden, and they can also limit the speculative investments in the futures market. Such measures are against the market principles, but if the specvestments are leading to economic recession and social unstability, the Government may he to intervene.

As was the IT bubble,tangled by massive speculative funds,the market keeps growing with the rise of prices,until the expectable downturn occurs in prices. And once the expectable collapse hens, more great adjustments are needed shortly. I am afraid the rising of the oil prices may lead to global recession. I am also afraid of the sudden decline in oil prices, which may be a disastrous blow for many hedging funds and investment banks.Sudden sharp adjustment of oil prices would damage the financial market, perhaps as worse as the subprime lending crisis.










这里the oil price属于独立主格用法,the oil price必须是其后动词的主语。独立主格必为后面动词的执行者。如果是decreased就不叫独立主格,单纯的过去分词作定语而已。



2、As the price of oil keeps _____,people he to pay more for driving a car.

A)to go up B)going up C)gone up D)go up

第二题我觉得选B 。 - - 。




析:只有keep doing sth. 这一种结构表示“不断做某事”。没有另三种用法。做对这题其实并不难。不知道“参考”答案是什么。


第1句话,你用了there be后面动词come,出现语法问题即两个动词,你可以写成coming,或者干脆去掉there are.

At present , more than 1 million visitors(tourists) come to Guangzhou for trelling per year.

2句:be based on,缺少动词be

Their friendship is based on the opening communication of many years by each other .

3: change what to that

4: ok

5:去掉前面啰嗦部分:Believe it or not , we’ve already gradually express ourselves by speaking English fluently. 注意后面副词用法

6:后面 加do, 如:do more reading, do more.....

7:有的时候要学会变通,前后换一下,说起来看起来更通顺:notice: should+do

I still determined to finish the work even if it'll takes me six months.

8: Traffic block ears everywhere because of hey rain.建议与7相同

9:The govenment has to come up with a better measurement to cope with the problem resulting from high price petrol. 你有单词翻译错了

10:tomorrow on time 换一下。。。